About The Artist

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I am a jeweler, a potter...an artist I suppose. I have been creating hemp, glass bead and wire jewelry since 1996 but have only been throwing pottery since the Spring of 2008. I plan to open my own gallery and workshop within the next five years but for now I make my work out of my home and sell in galleries and online. I sell my work to feed my hobby and because I am running out of room for my creations in the house. My art, like this blog, is in it's beginning stages and I hope that as my reader you will join me in my journey as an artist and enjoy it as much as I know I will!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

New Necklace Design

My friend Josh left for the summer to work in Santa Fe. His birthday is at the end of this month but since he won't be here for it I made him a going away/early birthday gift. I sat down one night and came up with this new design. Let me know what you think!

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