Well the other night I was in Tenzie's apartment and saw that all of his charms were just thrown into a desk drawer and one had even broken and I thought about how he could keep them all together. So, I am going to buy him a nice wooden box and put female-end snaps in the lid of the box where he can keep all of his charms and he can put his necklaces in the bottom of the box! Its a perfect little gift idea and now I want to make them and sell them! I figure I'll buy boxes that are wide enough to fit maybe six charms but sell them with three and one necklace and then sell different necklaces and charms separate. I really think people will like to give them as gifts and then keep giving charms and necklaces to add to the collection.
I want to start making clay beads too, to bring both of my loves together. So with this idea I will make clay pendants and attach them to snaps. I can make them for men and women and I really think they will be a big hit! I'm so excited!
Here are pictures of Tenzie's necklaces and charms in the box I made for him:
Necklace with charmed snapped on

Necklace with charm unsnapped

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